“Tori-no-ichi” Celebration of the Ootori Shrine

“Tori-no-ichi” Festivals of the Ootori Shrine in Asakusa, Tokyo are held twice of thricw every November since the Edo era.
(the Christian era 1750~1760)
That Festivals applellation is called the first Festival “Ichinotori, the second Festival “Ninotori”,the third Festival “Sannotori”.
The Origin of “Tori-no-ichi” Festival of the Japanese mythology of the Ameno-Hiwashino-Mikoto and the Yamato-Takeruno-Mikoto are worshiping as god, also the Ootori Shirine commonly are called “Otori-Sama” and the Festival on the days be bustling by worshipers, that days celebrate the Festival all day long.
And this worship is that invoke a providence, give thanks to a divine favour, both it is that pray good fortune and good nwes in future and keep out of harm’s way.
they are borught about it’s when we live the daily life purely, righteously, vigorously, harmoniously.
Then the 300 rake stalls in the yard of the Ootori Shrine sold lucky raks bedecked with colorful symbols of good fortune,belived to bring wealth to the purchasers.

Aniticipating Spring, The beginning of it all, Year-end fairs.
“haru wo matsu, koto no hajime ya, Tori-no-ichi”

Counted as one of Basho’s ten great students, he is famous for his fresh and penetrating insights into the society of the Edo.
The “Tori-no-ichi” Festival occurred several times in the end of the year. It was the one time all year that the gates of the Yoshiwara Pleasure district were opend to let the public in to walk it’s street. Without the “Tori-no-ichi” market, the small merchants and farmers would not be able to pay off their annual debts.
At the same time, goods bought at this market –good luck charms, food-stuffs,etc.– constitute the first shopping iin preparation for new year celebrations.

While bening the last big event of the year, it is also the first event in the course of new years preparation.

It thus forms the bridge, both economic and psychological, between the old and new years, emphasizing the continuum of time in society form year to year.



“ASAKUSA-OOTORIJINJYA-TORINOICHI is one of the biggest festival in Tokyo.This festival continues from Edo Area. We can hold this third times in this year.(The first one on November 5. The secoond one on Nobemver 17.  The third one on Nobemver 29. )The festival will be hold on the day of “TORI” means cock or rooster of oriental zodiac. OOTORI JINJYA (shrine in Asakusa) clebrates “God luck” “Prospoperity” and “Success” for all of visitors. This festival will open 24hours. night and day, on the day of “TORI” (on 2024 Nov. 5 & 17 & 29). please enjoy this in Asakusa.